Methaphorizing and Narrating since the Music Dialectics of the Venezuelan Interculturality

  • Ibeth Karina Nava Urdaneta Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, Escuela Básica Nacional Dr. Cristóbal Mendoza, Venezuela
Keywords: Music, Interculturality, Musical Narratives, Ontosemiotic


This research addresses the narratives of identity expressed in the songs of some regions of the country. The study was conducted, from the Ontosemiotic, with the objective of identifying, in the national music, the representations that define the Venezuelan Interculturality. The theoretical model was built from the contributions of Paul Ricoeur (2001), Roland Barthes (1975), Juan Magariños (2009) and Hernández (2013-2014), interpreting the significance attributed to interculturality, as part of the set of representations that make up the Venezuelan identity. Therefore, it is concluded that from music it is possible to narrate a form of Venezuelan identity.

Author Biography

Ibeth Karina Nava Urdaneta, Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, Escuela Básica Nacional Dr. Cristóbal Mendoza, Venezuela

Ibeth Karina Nava Urdaneta has a degree in Music and Education, mention in Musicology. Master Scientiarum in Sociocultural Anthropology. Doctor in Human Sciences. Musician Executant of Cuatro, Guitar, Piano, Trumpet and Recorder. Arranger, composer and conductor. Trained in theory, performance, conducting and composition, under the tutelage of teachers Eutimio Paz, Karine Gil de Weir and Lucidio Quintero Simancas. Since 2002 she presides the Nava Urdaneta Musical Studies Center Foundation "Fundanav", directs the Orquestina Ave Fénix and the Musical Educational Center "Ulises Acosta Romero", registered in the Ministry of Education. Since 2004 she has been working for the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, serving as Music Teacher at the E.B.N. Dr. Cristóbal Mendoza. At the same time, she was an undergraduate and postgraduate teacher-researcher at the Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta. Author of several musicological articles related to the Music-Identity Line of Research. Accredited Researcher by ONCTI. Member of the Society of Authors and Composers of Venezuela.


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Nº 1.- Sentir Zuliano. Año 1972. Conjunto Cardenales del Éxito. Autor Norberto Pirela / José Rodríguez. Solista: Ricardo Cepeda.

Nº 2.- Tierra Madre. Año 1977. Conjunto: Rincón Morales. Autor: Luís Ferrer. Solista Fernando Rincón.

Nº 3.- Woman del Callao. Año 1985. Conjunto: Pillopo. Autor/Solista: Astolfo Romero.

Nº 4. - Indio me dice la gente. Año 1981. Reinaldo Armas Nº 8.- Barlovento. 1941. Eduardo Serrano.
How to Cite
Nava Urdaneta, I. K. (2023). Methaphorizing and Narrating since the Music Dialectics of the Venezuelan Interculturality. Mirada Antropológica, 18(24), 98-113. Retrieved from