Diagnosed body. The experience of an oncologist in Bogota

  • Rodrigo Ruiz Lurduy Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
Keywords: Diagnostic process, oncology, diagnostic communication, body, experience


The problem of the diagnostic process goes through the relational construction of the body between the technological devices, the clinical eye of the medical professionals, the patient’s experience, and the socio-cultural scenarios in which medical consultation occurs; the body diagnosed is therefore the transition of the body from one ontology to another. The suffering and discovery of the disease shapes the meaning of the body, beyond experience and in relation to an established material, cultural, social, political and economic order. The recent transformations in the medical and biological fields are mediated by a series of technologies that have acquired a particular status in hybrid societies like ours; its uses, specialized as vernacular, changes the bodies which they are related with, assigning to the medical perspective, and to the perspective of the patient, symbolic regimes that are created in the interaction of the diagnostic process. Through a focused ethnography, we present the particular case of a Medical Oncologist in Bogota, with the objective of describing his experience in the constitution of the body intervened during the diagnostic process and the communication of the disease.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Ruiz Lurduy, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina

Anthropologist. University Foundation of the Andean Area.


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How to Cite
Rodrigo Ruiz Lurduy. (2018). Diagnosed body. The experience of an oncologist in Bogota. Mirada Antropológica, 13(15), 31-41. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/121