The modernity of the baroque in front of the cultural center

  • Mario Martell Contreras Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Doctorado en Literatura Hispanoamericana
Keywords: Ethos, center, periphery, modernity, cultural field


From a critical reading of the concept of “really existing” modernity in Bolivar Echeverría and cultural field in Pierre Bourdieu, I argue that the alternative contribution of the baroque ethos is limited to culture. The center struggles to turn this creative potential and resistance into a cultural tradition. This conflict generates hybrid products, which again the market tries to reduce merchandise, the academy to archaic traditions and other exaltations of the “Latin American culture” with which the center struggles to assimilate to the periphery.

Author Biography

Mario Martell Contreras, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Doctorado en Literatura Hispanoamericana

PhD in Hispanic-American Literature of the BUAP and collaborator of the Multitud newspaper.


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How to Cite
Mario Martell Contreras. (2017). The modernity of the baroque in front of the cultural center. Mirada Antropológica, 12(13), 82-93. Retrieved from