• Osiris Sinuhé González Romero University of Saskatchewan. College of Arts and Science. Department of History, Canadá


The aim of this paper is to analyze recognition requirements of indigenous rights in Mexico. Decolonial study of this issue responds to the requirement for justice for the indigenous peoples. This need is a consequence of the economic and cultural neocolonization process. This paper will focus on the study of the relationship between neocolonial strategies and extractivism in Mexico. A key topic is the analysis of the right to land because it is linked with environmental issues and traditional systems of land ownership. Finally, this paper will address some arguments about philosophical and juridical pluralism in order to build alternatives to the hegemonic current paradigm.

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Come citare
González Romero, O. S. (2021). NEOCOLONIALISM, VIOLENCE, AND INDIGENOUS RIGHTS IN MEXICO. Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 6(11), 82-94. Recuperato da