Freud and Schnitzler

  • Juan Carlos Canales Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México
Keywords: Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler, Psychoanalysis



The present work aims to point out some points in common between Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931), as well as the complex relationship between the two and whose impact was seen in the respective works. The issue raised here is added as another chapter in the plot of relationships that Freud wove throughout his life, being particularly exemplary the Ferenczi case, or the enigma that surrounds the sister themselves, abandoned to their fate after the departure from Vienna, in 1938, of the father of psychoanalysis, and whose outcome was the death of three of them in the Nazi concentration camps.

            It is, I must emphasize, a small text of an introductory nature, supported by the research of several authors and, for my part, on a set of readings made previously, so it would be useless to exhaust the subject in this first approximation or give it a definitive character.


Freud, S. (2009). O.C. TXVII. Buenos Aires-Madrid: Amorrortu.

Gay, P. (2002). Schnitzler y su tiempo. Retrato cultural de la Viena del siglo XIX. Barcelona: Paidós.

Hobsbawm, E. (2006). Historia del siglo XX. Barcelona: Crítica.

Schnitzler, A. (2018). Diarios. Santiago: Universidad Diego Portales.

Schnitzler, A. (1999) Relato soñado. Trad. Miguel Sáenz. Barcelona: El Acantilado.

Schnitzler, A. (1998). Relaciones y Soledades. Barcelona: Edhasa.

Trías, E. (2013). Lo bello y lo siniestro. Ed. Digital.

Wibrow, P. (2016). Tensiones entre Literatura y Psicoanálisis- Los recelos de Freud frente a su “doble” Arthur Schnitzler. Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada, Universidad de Salamanca, 25.
How to Cite
Canales, J. C. (2022). Freud and Schnitzler. Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 7(13), 91-97. Retrieved from