The Children's emotions during distance education by COVID-19

  • Elsa Torres Padilla Universidad del Valle de México, Estado de México, México
Keywords: Emotions, Teaching, Family, School, Interests


This article has its origin in the need to know the emotions that children currently live around school activities, linked to the interests that permeate from the family and teachers. According to the results, there is a gap between the actions of children and what adults expect from them, hindering the process of recognition that distance school has, and it has not been possible to face reality if communication between parents and teachers is omitted to allow children to freely express their emotions during teaching.4

 To better understand this situation, questionnaires have been carried out aimed at parents, students, and teachers with the intention of seeking answers that allow a link between the expression of emotions and teaching for their integral development; this research is argued with the works of Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence and the author Rafael Bisquerra on Emotional Education. It has been applicable to the public school community, in the downtown neighborhood of the City of Chalco, State of Mexico.


Bisquerra, R. (2000). Psicopedagogía de las emociones. Editorial Síntesis. CDMX.

Bisquerra, R. (2016). 10 ideas claves, Educación emocional. Editorial GRAÓ. Barcelona.

Calle, A. (2008) Ingeniería Emocional. Editorial Diana. CDMX.

Frola, P., & Velázquez, J. (2011). Estrategias didácticas por competencias. CIECI. CDMX.

Goleman, D. (2001). La inteligencia emocional. Por qué es más importante que el coeficiente intelectual. Ediciones B México. CDMX.

Secretaría de Educación Pública (2017) Aprendizajes Clave para la educación integral. SEP. CDMX.
How to Cite
Torres Padilla, E. (2022). The Children’s emotions during distance education by COVID-19. Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 7(13), 8-17. Retrieved from