“But Beware of Water, Love and Fire”. Olga Orozco: Tarot and Poetry

  • Araceli Toledo Olivar Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), México
Keywords: Poetry, Tarot, Sallie Nichols, Olga Orozco, Collective Unconscious


Poetry has the faculty to capture wisdom from the collective unconscious through the appropriation of archetypical images, symbols, metaphors, and elements that belong to mythology. These aspects are linked to performing in the daily activities and how they are aimed by imagination. A similar process occurs with the Tarot. Poetry and Tarot demand a level of understanding which goes beyond consciousness, and escapes the limits established by rationality. In this respect it is necessary to make a pact between intuition and creative reverie. The present study is focused on the analysis of Tarot´s symbols that are present in Olga Orozco´s poetry (Argentina, 1920-1999), specifically in Los juegos peligrosos; and in a particular way in the poem “Cartomancia”.

Author Biography

Araceli Toledo Olivar, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), México

Doctor in Hispanic American Literature from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Cum Laude distinction), Master in Mexican Literature from BUAP (Cum Laude distinction). She has served as a teacher in upper secondary education (International Baccalaureate program) and higher; is currently a professor at the College of Hispanic Linguistics and Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the BUAP. She has participated as a speaker in National and International Congresses. Has national and international academic publications. She recently published the collection of poems Murmullos de Salamandras (2020), by the Buenos Aires Poetry.


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Campos, M. (1999). Entrevista con Olga Orozco. En La jornada. 31 de enero de 1999, recuperado de: https://www.jornada.com.mx/1999/01/31/sem-orozco.html.

Chevalier, A. y Gheerbrant, A. (2012). Diccionario de los símbolos. Barcelona: Editorial Herder.

Martín, S. (2004). Poesía o abismo. Los juegos peligrosos. Olga Orozco. En Congreso de la Asociación ALEPH.

Nichols, S. (2012). Jung y el Tarot. Barcelona: Editorial Kairós.

Wasserman, J. (2011). Símbolos secretos y arte sacro Tradiciones del misterio. Ciudad de México: Grupo Editorial Tomo.
How to Cite
Araceli Toledo Olivar. (2020). “But Beware of Water, Love and Fire”. Olga Orozco: Tarot and Poetry . Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 5(9), 39-47. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/graffylia/article/view/560