Com-plexus: space and community

  • Arturo Romero Contreras Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Facultad de Filosofía y Leteras
Keywords: Nature, Space, Topology, Non-classical Logics, Polyarchy


The present paper claims that ontology requires to think community and its relationship to space. To support this thesis, we offer three lines of thought. 1. A thought on being must conjugate both an ontological and an ethical-political side at the same time, without reducing or subordinating one to the other. This is what we call “community”, which becomes only plausible by fragmenting the unity of origin. 2. Heidegger’s ontology has underlined the link between being and time, in his attempt to offer a critique to philosophy of presence. But a fragmented and distributed origin necessarily introduces a special dimension un ontology. We must consequently think the link between being and space. A though on space can develop a conceptuality departing from mathematical topology. 3. Community and space demand not only new categories but also a new logic (non-Aristotelian), capable of approaching complexity and paradox. Considering the above presented issues, a philosophical program is sketched.


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How to Cite
Arturo Romero Contreras. (2017). Com-plexus: space and community. Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 2(3), 5-29. Retrieved from