Translation aprroach to narrative empathy in two short stories by George Saunders

  • Héctor Ramírez Olea Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Colegio de Literatura y Lingüística Hispánica, Puebla, México
Keywords: Narrative Empathy, Narrative Perspective, Idiolect, Punctuation, Translation


This article, framed in the area of translation studies, displays some strategies that could be used when translating the element of “narrative empathy”, as defined by Suzanne Keen, present in two concrete cases of the literary works of George Saunders. We analyze elements such as punctuation, narrative perspective, and idiolect, then we present example cases selected from a translation done by us where such strategies can be seen. The proposed strategies are intended to be applicable to other texts that also seek to evoke on its readers an empathetic reaction.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Olea, H. (2024). Translation aprroach to narrative empathy in two short stories by George Saunders. Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 8(16), 86-98. Retrieved from