Interior metaphors in Juan José Saer's work

  • Héctor Delgado Université Paris-IV Sorbonne
Keywords: Juan José Saer, Interior metaphors, Nadie nada nunca, Narrative focus, Lo imborrable


This article deals wiht the problem of consciousness of Juan José Saer’s narrative. Due to the predominance of a constant present time, where the narration or description of events and objects is prioritized more than anything, the narrators leave aside the characters’s self consciousness and awareness in order form them to be only a kind of witness of the events narrated. However, when we go back to novels such as Nadie nada nunca, Glosa o Lo imborrable, we find out that under a series of metaphors combined with the feelings of the protagonists, lies the consciousness of the characters. Saer’s narrative is thus composed of “interior metaphors”, that are the basis for the psychological foundation of his characters.


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How to Cite
Héctor Delgado. (2018). Interior metaphors in Juan José Saer’s work. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 3(5), 67-81. Retrieved from