The unusual in two narrative programs of the novel El sitio, of Ignacio Solares

  • Estela Castillo Hernández Universidad Veracruzana
  • Aisha Cruz Caba Universidad Veracruzana
  • Tatiana Suárez Turriza Universidad Veracruzana
  • Ricardo Pacce Universidad Veracruzana
Keywords: unusual, narrative programs, Ignacio Solares, El sitio, estrangement


Ignacio Solares novel El sitio, the same as Buñuel´s El ángel exterminador and Bocaccio´s El Decamerón, presents confinement as the main topic in the text. In Solares work, this confinement is presented as an unusual event. This will trigger an estrangemer for the characters actions, those who are not allowed to go out of the space they are. Cristina´s narrative programs, a girl who lives with her parents and one brother, and the janitor present unusual actions: exclusiveness kids to go out of the place, and the guilt redemption through a vision.


Barthes, Roland, et al., Análisis estructural del relato. 6ª ed., México, Ediciones Coyoacán, 2002.

Prada Oropeza, Renato, La constelación narrativa de Ignacio Solares, México, Ediciones Eón, 2003.

Solares, Ignacio, “E1 árbol del deseo”. Los mártires y otras historias, México: FCE, 1997.

_____, El Sitio, México, Alfaguara, 1998.
How to Cite
Estela Castillo Hernández, Aisha Cruz Caba, Tatiana Suárez Turriza, & Ricardo Pacce. (2018). The unusual in two narrative programs of the novel El sitio, of Ignacio Solares. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 302-313. Retrieved from