The port, writing, and memory in the narrative of Luis Arturo Ramos

  • Ana Lúcia Trevisan Pelegrino Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie São Paulo
Keywords: Memory, writing, Luis Arturo Ramos, symbols


This work analyzes Intramuros/La ciudad de arena (2003), Éste era un gato… (1987) and La mujer que quiso ser dios (2000) because they posses tematic and formal elements that connect among them as a triptic. Luis Arturo Ramos narrative triad is builded based on the central image of the port of Veracruz, wich represents the way memory is constructed, and the way one can return there. In the three novels, characters must to come and go in order to not lose their destiny, even though this means weaving between past and present.


Fuentes, Carlos, Geografía de la novela, México, Tierra Firme, 1993.

Ramos, Luis Arturo, Éste era un gato, México, Grijalbo, 1988.

_____, La ciudad de arena, Barcelona, Ediciones del Bronce, 1999.

_____, La mujer que quiso ser Dios, México, Ed. Castillo, 2000.

Ricoeur, Paul, Interpretação e Ideologia. Tradução e apresentação Hilton Japiassu, Rio Janeiro: F. Alves, 1990.

Said, EW., Reflexões sobre o exílio e outros ensaios, São Paulo, Cia das Letras, 2001.
How to Cite
Ana Lúcia Trevisan Pelegrino. (2018). The port, writing, and memory in the narrative of Luis Arturo Ramos. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 236-250. Retrieved from