Ángeles del abismo: an imaginary construction of the Novohispan Mexico

  • Hugo Israel López Coronel Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Keywords: Ángeles del abismo, historical novel, historiography, Enrique Serna


Ángeles del Abismo (2004), by Enrique Serna, is signed up as a historical novel because it unfolds into the reference of seventeenth-century Mexico, rewriting it according to the symbolic structures of fiction. On the other hand, as established by Seymour Menton (1993), Angels of the Abyss (2004) meets the main features of what he has called the new historical novel. The distortion of history is present, since it is enough to remember that Serna was based on a document from the General Archive of the Nation (AGN) from which, he affirms, transforms to integrate new elements into history that would allow him to handle another way intrigues, thus opening to all possibilities of fiction.


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How to Cite
Hugo Israel López Coronel. (2019). Ángeles del abismo: an imaginary construction of the Novohispan Mexico . Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 2(3), 31-47. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/amox/article/view/28