Diversity and dissidence in two Mexican cultural magazines: La Palabra y el Hombre and Tierra Adentro

  • Luis David Meneses Hernández Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, México
Keywords: diversity, sexual-generic dissidence, linguistic innovation, linguistic change, Spanish grammar


In this article I analyze linguistic representation of diversity and sexual-generic dissidence in two literary cultural projects published by Mexican public institutions, La Palabra y el Hombre 62 y Tierra Adentro - junio 2023. I describe conformity and non-conformity to current Spanish grammar, fostered by authorial voices of women, men, and dissident persons, to generate data to analyze morphosyntactic and semantic features in the texts, to argue for the possibility of an ongoing linguistic change, due to linguistic innovations proposed by sexual-generic diverse and dissident communities of speakers.


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How to Cite
Meneses Hernández, L. D. (2024). Diversity and dissidence in two Mexican cultural magazines: La Palabra y el Hombre and Tierra Adentro. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 7(13), 112-135. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/amox/article/view/1308