Book Review of "Los heraldos negros (Poemas) de César Vallejo. Estudio y edición crítica de Antonio Cajero Vázquez"

  • Jorge Palafox Cabrera Universidad Tecmilenio Campus San Luis Potosí, México
Keywords: Poetry, Critical edition


The present volume, beyond becoming an edition that swells the not inconsiderable amount of editions dedicated to Vallejo's poetry, is the most recent attempt to deliver a critical edition with the greatest possible rigor and fidelity. The edition, by Antonio Cajero Vázquez, seeks to settle "a pending debt with Vallejo and with the specialists of Vallejo's work [...]" (Cajero, 2020, XV). Part of this restitution is to be found in his ample introductory study that covers two fundamental aspects to understand the importance of the collection of poems in Hispanic American literature and of this edition.


Vallejo, César. (2020). Los heraldos negros (Poemas). Estudio y edición crítica de Antonio Cajero Vázquez. San Luis Potosí, El Colegio de San Luis/Universidad Veracruzana.
How to Cite
Palafox Cabrera, J. (2023). Book Review of "Los heraldos negros (Poemas) de César Vallejo. Estudio y edición crítica de Antonio Cajero Vázquez". Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 6(11), 87-89. Retrieved from