Fresh rain under the flamboyant: Interview with Gustavo Guerrero

  • Edinson Aladino Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
Keywords: Anagrama Award, Venezuelan writer, Gallimard, translation


Writer, essayist, poet, professor and literary advisor for the French publishing house Gallimard, Gustavo Guerrero is already an inescapable reference in Latin American literature. Born in Caracas in 1957, he decided early on to complete his studies in Europe and pursue a literary life in Paris. He was awarded the Anagrama Prize in 2008 for his essay Historia de un encargo: La catira de Camilo José Cela. Due to his tremendous work as an academic, editor and writer -over the years- he was distinguished with the order of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres de France, whose ceremony took place on April 10, 2019 at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris. Through the prestigious Gallimard House, Guerrero has edited and disseminated several Latin American works, which has been an incentive for the internationalization of such literature. He currently teaches at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gustavo Guerrero for his kindness and for his willingness to conduct this interview. I share here, in the following pages, all his answers.

Author Biography

Edinson Aladino, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México

Edinson Aladino (Colombia, 1985) holds a PhD in Literature from UNAM. He has collaborated in chapters of the following books: Alteridad. El rostro del otro, University of Salerno, 2020; Diálogos e interdisciplinariedad: Educación, Historia, Literatura y Arte, University of Salerno, 2019; El corazón es centro: narraciones, representaciones y metáforas del corazón en el mundo hispánico, University of Padua, 2017; Trayectos del fulgor: libros y viajes en la circulación de saberes, siglos XVI al XXI, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2016. She was on a doctoral research stay in Havana in 2018, in the José Lezama Lima Archive, which is kept at the José Martí National Library of Cuba.


Editrama. (2021). “Severo Sarduy a fondo - Edición completa y restaurada”. YouTube, 30 de Enero de 2021,

Guerrero, Gustavo y Catalina Quesada, (eds.). (2018). Cámara de eco. Homenaje a Severo Sarduy. Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Guerrero, Gustavo y Catalina Quesada (2013). “Caracas, la ciudad invisible”. INTI, núm. 77-78, pp. 11-19.

Guerrero, Gustavo y Catalina Quesada (Ed.). (1999). “Reflexión, ampliación, cámara de eco: entrevista con Severo Sarduy”. Severo Sarduy. Obra completa. Tomo II. Madrid: Colección
Archivos, pp. 1834-1840.

Centro de Investigaciones Literarias Casa de las Américas. (1971). Interrogando a Lezama Lima. Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.
How to Cite
Aladino, E. (2023). Fresh rain under the flamboyant: Interview with Gustavo Guerrero. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 6(11), 67-81. Retrieved from