Post-modern parables: La señora de la fuente (The lady from the fountain) of Luis Arturo Ramos

  • Martin Camps University of the Pacific
Keywords: Postmodernity, ambiguity, parables, absurd, Luis Arturo Ramos


The short story “Rainbows at Seven Eleven” is a clear example of postmodern narrative elements present in Luis Alberto Ramos’ book La señora de la Fuente (The lady from the fountain). The questioning of the idea of truth, the inclusion of characters without goals, the use of the absurd, the distortion of the reality, the irony and a constant ambiguity are some of the mechanisms used to criticize both, the modernity and the failure of the individual faced to the different systems in which he/she is immersed.



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How to Cite
Martin Camps. (2018). Post-modern parables: La señora de la fuente (The lady from the fountain) of Luis Arturo Ramos. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 222-234. Retrieved from