Walls inside

  • Federico Patán Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Keywords: Spanish Civil War, Luis Alberto Ramos, Intramuros, exile


Intramuros (Within the walls), the novel written by Luis Alberto Ramos can be fit into the novels related to the Spanish Exile after the Spanish Civil War. This happens to be relevant since the author is Mexican and with no relation to the topic. Thus, this work analyzes the use of this topic to deal with more general ones such as seniority, pessimism, death, etc. as a whole.



Camps, Marlin y José Antonio Moreno Montero (comps.), Acercamiento a la narrativa de Luis Arturo Ramos. Prólogo de Marco Antonio Campos, Ciudad Juárez, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Colección In Extenso, 2005.

Ramos, Luis Arturo, Intramuros, Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, Serie Ficción, 1983.

Rodríguez Plaza, Joaquina, La novela del exilio español, México, UAM-Azcapotzalco, Serie Literatura 2, 1987.
How to Cite
Federico Patán. (2018). Walls inside. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 207-220. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/amox/article/view/51