The police investigation in the fantastic environment of the story "Entre tus dedos helados" of Francisco Tario

  • Martha Isabel Bolaños Virñez Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)
Keywords: fantasy literature, detective stories, Francisco Tario, hybridization, mexican short story of the 20th century


The present work studies the combination of police references and the fantasy atmosphere created by Francisco Tario in his short story “Entre tus dedos helados” (“Within your cold hands”). The objective is to show the contradiction caused by this combination: the police inquire in the short story points to the narrator as guilty while the narrative focuses in creating a dubious atmosphere for the reader who does not know what really happens. Tario generates this tension by joining two different perspectives. On the one hand the police inquire, related to the scientific and objective thought and, in the other hand, the fantasy elements which are unexplainable. Far from being an obstacle for its reading, this doubt enriches Tario’s narrative.



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How to Cite
Martha Isabel Bolaños Virñez. (2018). The police investigation in the fantastic environment of the story "Entre tus dedos helados" of Francisco Tario. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 134-148. Retrieved from